Customer Service
With many years of experience, our customer service representatives are here to make sure your questions and needs are fulfilled. Whether it’s in English or French, we will be able to assist you.
Alain Poissant 450-785-2205, #224 Alain Poissant
Josée Morency 418-926-3262 #2254 Josée Morency
Maria Silveira 905-312-9776 Maria Silveira
Mechanical, Municipal and OEM Division
David Michaud Inside Sales and Traffic Manager 418-926-3262 (2216) 1-800-463-3480 (2216) 418-926-2430 David Michaud
Diane Auger Inside Sales Representative 418-926-3262 (2228) 1-800-463-3480 (2228) 418-926-2430 Diane Auger
Lucie Laurendeau Inside Sales Representative 418-926-3262 (2267) 1-800-463-3480 (2267) 418-926-2430 Lucie Laurendeau
Municipal Division (Hamilton)
Rui Melo Inside Sales Manager 905-312-4776 1-800-982-5682 905-312-1434 Rui Melo
Municipal Division (Laperle)
Alain Poissant Inside Sales Representative 450-785-2205 (245) 1-800-567-3753 (245) 450-785-8512 Alain Poissant
Marie-Lou Ménard Inside Sales Representative 450-785-2205 (240) 1-800-567-3753 (240) 450-785-8512 Marie-Lou Ménard